Thursday, November 27, 2008


As time goes by, our lives crisscross with so many souls....
Many for a REASON, some for a SEASON, and special ones for a LIFETIME ...

Do we recognize them when our lives intersect?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Beauty and the Beast

The White Princess
The White Princess - Thats what I called her. I spent hours watching her... photographing her movements. Mesmerized by the beauty and grace radiated by these rare and endangered cats, I wrote:

Those Eyes as Blue as the Oceans,
The Whiteness as Pure as the Snow.

And the Love that lasts for Eternity,

I Miss You So.

This beauty was in the news yesterday. A rather shocking news. A mentally disturbed zoo worker had jumped into a moat at the tiger enclave and was subsequently mauled to death by the white tigers.

The beast within the beauty ? Or just the law of nature?

To be continued...
[After a few jugs of Tiger, couple of good old Sangria, a few moments of 'Rock Star' living and overnight thinking....(ya right!)....I found the answer.]
And here is the continuation...

Beautiful or ugly, black or white, tigers are wild animals. They are designed to kill. You intrude to their space, they will just do what they are built to do. They will hunt you down....and kill you. But if your intend is to kill yourself, like the chap who intentionally jumped into the zoo enclosure and provoked the already-in-captivity cats, please think again! There are better ways of doing it....please leave the poor tigers alone !

And ya, they are lovely. The White Princesses.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


I was watching the star studded sky last night and something struck me (yey! ) --> Constellations

We look up at sky and see those millions and millions of stars, as if they were grains of sand recklessly thrown into a black fabric. The brighter they are, more the attention they get. There may be brighter stars, but they are too far away to get our attention. Some of them don't reach us at all. But we know they exist, waiting to be found by one of the those electronic eyes constantly staring into the cosmos without a blink. We look at the sky, connect the dots and create various shapes and forms.

But Cosmic Constellations - what exactly are they? It is simply an arrangement, a configuration of stars as seen from our planet. As seen from our planet. So, what happens when we look at the same arrangement of stars, but from a different location ? For example, from our neighboring planet? Will we be able to connect the dots and create the same shapes and forms we made before ?

The answer is NO.

A person looking from a different place will see an entirely different image, a whole different perspective. The 3 dimensional nature of space opens a window to great new information and deeper knowledge. We may start to realize that the stars we thought were smaller were actually huge ones, which just happened to be far far away. Or the ones we presumed to be brighter than the rest were not indeed any brighter, but just happened to be nearer than the rest of them.

So, it all boils down to one thing -
Perspectives command Presumptions

Its human by nature. May it be the cosmos we are looking at, or be a situation around us, or a person we deal with. Sometimes we fail to see the 3rd dimension. Sometimes we choose to ignore the apparent manifestations while at other times the dimension itself choose to be ostensible. And just like the vast cosmos, the situation then becomes perplexed. And this is when we (have to) start to explore the perspectives....look for more dimensions that might exist...try to be in the other persons shoes (and not stepping on his/her foot)...and get vista from a different point of view.

Now the truth emerges from the darkness...we see the stars...we understand which ones are near and which are far....the brighter and the dimmer.....the bigger and the smaller. We challenge our presumptions. We read the unfeigned emotions, we hear the untold truth.